Conference Schedule

ThrillerFest is the annual conference of the International Thriller Writers. This unique, popular, and rapidly expanding organization was created in 2005 by several bestselling authors in order to bring thousands of writers, readers, publishers, producers, editors, and agents together to promote and support thriller authors everywhere.

ThrillerFest is the name for BOTH our entire conference and the last two days of the conference.

The ThrillerFest conference has seven main components: FBI Day, Master Class, CraftFest, QueryFest, PitchFest, ThrillerFest, and the Awards Banquet.

  • FBI Day Join us for an intensive day of learning from Special Agents who will share information in their area of expertise. This insider’s view of the FBI will allow you to write an authentic portrayal of any FBI experts and agents in your novels. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to go behind the scenes.
  • Master Class provides an educational workshop for aspiring writers, debuts, and midlist authors where they gain advanced training from the masters of craft in an intimate, day-long training session. This is a separate add-on registration item.
  • CraftFest showcases bestselling authors and subject matter experts who kindly offer their advice and assistance to advance attendees’ writing techniques. Registration for CraftFest includes access to the Wednesday night CraftFest cocktail party and the Wednesday CraftFest Lunch, a plated meal, where the Best First Sentence Contest winners are announced
  • QueryFest offers instant feedback on a query letter or first two pages of a manuscript by an industry expert. Sessions are booked individually and are by appointment only.
  • PitchFest pairs writers with agents, producers, and editors, providing an opportunity for attendees to pitch their manuscripts. PitchFest may only be selected during registration as a combination with other events: MasterClass, CraftFest, or ThrillerFest.
  • ThrillerFest proper, the final two days of the conference, provides readers with an opportunity to network with authors—everyone from debuts to bestsellers. Expect innovative panels, the fan-favorite Debut Author Breakfast, where our 2025 Debut Author class is honored, spotlight interviews, and workshops to educate and inspire.
  • The Thriller Awards Banquet honors the year’s ThrillerMaster, Silver Bullet Award recipient, Thriller Legend, Thriller Fans, and Thriller Award winners. Registration for the Banquet also includes access to the Pre-Banquet Cocktail Hour, and the ThrillerMaster After Party.