ThrillerFest FAQ
Q. What is ThrillerFest?
ThrillerFest is the annual conference of the International Thriller Writers. This unique, popular, and rapidly expanding organization was created in 2005 by several bestselling authors in order to bring thousands of writers, readers, publishers, producers, editors, and agents together to promote and support thriller authors everywhere.
The ThrillerFest conference has seven main components: FBI Day, Master Class, CraftFest, QueryFest, PitchFest, ThrillerFest, and the Awards Banquet.
- FBI Day is an intensive day of learning from Special Agents who will share information in their area of expertise. This insider’s view of the FBI will allow you to write an authentic portrayal of any FBI experts and agents in your novels. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to go behind the scenes.
- Master Class provides an educational workshop for aspiring writers, debuts, and midlist authors to gain advanced training from the masters of craft in an intimate, day-long training session.
- CraftFest showcases bestselling authors and subject matter experts who kindly offer their advice and assistance to advance attendees’ writing techniques.
- QueryFest offers instant feedback on a query letter or first two pages of a manuscript by an industry expert.
- PitchFest pairs writers with agents, producers, and editors, providing an opportunity for attendees to pitch their manuscripts.
- ThrillerFest proper, the final two days of the conference, provides readers with an opportunity to network with authors—everyone from debuts to bestsellers. Expect innovative panels, spotlight interviews, and workshops to educate and inspire.
- The Thriller Awards Banquet honors the year’s ThrillerMaster(s), Silver Bullet Award recipient, Thriller Legend, Thriller Fans, and Thriller Award winners.
Find out more about this exciting five-day thriller extravaganza (with a pre-conference bonus day in FBI Day) by browsing our website at
Q. Why is ThrillerFest always in New York City?
New York City is the home of the American publishing industry. Bestselling authors, editors, agents, publishers, and publicists can walk or taxi to the convention from their offices to meet with readers, writers, debut, and established authors, which makes them far more likely to participate in ITW’s extraordinary program of events.
ThrillerFest organizers recognize that if the venue moved from New York City, far fewer of the industry movers and shakers would be able to attend this unique conference. Although the expense is higher for attendees, the quality of ideas, advice, and assistance is far greater in comparison to other conferences designed with economics, sandy beaches, or other criteria in mind. This conference is all about connecting writers and readers with the best talent in our industry, which is why ThrillerFest will remain in New York City.
Q. How do I get to the hotel from the airport?
LaGuardia is a nine-mile cab ride from the hotel at about $50 (plus tip) round trip or take an Uber/Lyft. Similar deals are offered from Kennedy and Newark airports.
Q. How do I register for ThrillerFest and what options should I consider?
Registering for ThrillerFest is easy. Simply go to Registration on the ThrillerFest website and choose from a menu of options. There are five main events (plus a banquet) that celebrate thrillers, the authors who write them, and the fans who read them. The sessions include:
- FBI Day is an intensive day of learning from Special Agents who will share information in their area of expertise. This insider’s view of the FBI will allow you to write an authentic portrayal of any FBI experts and agents in your novels. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to go behind the scenes.
- Master Class provides an educational workshop for aspiring writers, debuts, and midlist authors to gain advanced training from the masters of craft in an intimate, day-long training session.
- CraftFest showcases bestselling authors and subject matter experts who kindly offer their advice and assistance to advance attendees’ writing techniques.
- QueryFest offers instant feedback on a query letter, or synopsis, or first five pages of a manuscript by an industry expert.
- PitchFest pairs writers with agents, producers, and editors, providing an opportunity for attendees to pitch their manuscripts.
- ThrillerFest proper, the final two days of the conference, provides readers with an opportunity to network with authors—everyone from debuts to bestsellers. Expect innovative panels, spotlight interviews, and workshops to educate and inspire.
- The Thriller Awards Banquet honors the year’s ThrillerMaster(s), Silver Bullet Award recipient, Thriller Legend, Thriller Fans, and Thriller Award winners.
Various attendance packages are available. Day passes are available for CraftFest and ThrillerFest.
Q. Who are this year’s ThrillerMasters and Spotlight Guests?
The schedule for this year’s special guests includes:
- 2025 ThrillerMaster John Grisham
- 2025 Silver Bullet Award Recipient James Patterson
- 2025 Spotlight Guest Oyinkan Braithwaite
- 2025 Spotlight Guest Jennifer Hillier
- 2025 Thriller Legend Award Recipient Neil Nyren
- 2025 Thriller Fan Award Recipient McKenna Jordan
Q. Several panels are scheduled at the same time. Can I go to all of them?
Several panels take place concurrently. The attendees are encouraged to enjoy any of the sessions for as long as they’d like. By leaving a door open in the back of the room, the attendees are welcome to come and go to any of the sessions throughout the day. Stay as long as you wish. Visit as many as you’d like. If you miss a workshop, the MP3 for that session will be available to purchase online on the ThrillerFest website.
Q. What is the awards banquet all about?
On Saturday, June 21, 2025, we will welcome everyone to the 20th annual banquet where we will honor 2025 ThrillerMaster John Grisham, present the Thriller Awards, and offer other entertainment. We also host a cocktail party before the dinner and an after-party following the dinner. During the banquet, the key individuals who make this organization work are introduced. Highlights include hearing from our ThrillerMasters and finding out who wins the coveted Thriller Awards, which are given every year for the Best Standalone Thriller, Best Standalone Mystery, Best Series Novel, Best First Novel, Best Young Adult Novel, Best Short Story and Best Audiobook. The nominees for each category for the 2025 Thriller Awards will be posted on the ThrillerFest website by March 2025. A special thanks to Tosca Lee, the VP of Awards, and all the volunteers who read, judge, and choose the winners.
Q. Do I have to dress up for the awards banquet?
Some people wear jeans or other casual clothes, but the vast majority do dress up. Some options include: suits, ties, tuxes, cocktail dresses, gowns, pantsuits, saris, kurtas, or whatever your culture views as more formal attire. It’s an opportunity to look as good as you feel, and most people take advantage.
Q. What is ITW?
ITW, International Thriller Writers, is an organization that represents professional thriller authors from around the world. ITW is an honorary society of authors, both fiction and nonfiction, who write books broadly classified as thrillers. This would include (but isn’t limited to) murder mystery, detective, romantic suspense, horror, supernatural, action, espionage, true crime, war, adventure, and a myriad of similar subject areas.
ITW’s mission is “To bestow recognition and promote the thriller genre at an innovative and superior level for and through our Active members; to provide opportunities for mentoring, education, and collegiality among thriller authors and industry professionals; and to grant awards for excellence in the thriller genre.” ITW By-laws: Article II, Purposes, Section 2.
One of the main purposes of the organization is to provide an opportunity for successful, bestselling authors to help debut and mid-list authors advance their careers. To that end, ITW has designed numerous programs and events that promote debut and mid-list writers and their work, sometimes in partnership with the masters in the field. In addition, ITW promotes literacy, supports libraries, and advances the thriller genre. Finally, it brings together almost a thousand writers, readers, publishers, producers, editors, and agents at its annual conference, ThrillerFest; as well as at CraftFest, a writing workshop program; and PitchFest, where aspiring authors pitch top literary agents and editors.
ITW represents over 6,600 authors in 52 countries with 3.6 billion books in print. Join ITW today!
Q. When is ThrillerFest, the annual conference for ITW?
This year, it’s our 20th anniversary, and ThrillerFest will be held from June 17-June 21, 2025, in New York City, New York, United States of America. The hotel for ThrillerFest 2025 is the New York Hilton Midtown at 1335 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019. The conference hotel is conveniently located between Times Square and Central Park, offering tranquil rooms and excellent dining options.
Q. How can I better manage my budget for ThrillerFest?
Spending time with the very best in the business is worth the investment of attending ThrillerFest. Our attendees are important customers of the New York Hilton Midtown, and they treat us accordingly by offering ThrillerFest discounts. Find a roommate for the Hilton’s’s double rooms so you’ll both enjoy the incredible amenities at a lower price. Experience the myriad food options in Times Square while enjoying the hustle and bustle of New Yorkers. You can also take advantage of early bird pricing by registering early.
Q. Tell me about ThrillerFest, the two days for readers and fans.
ThrillerFest is the name for BOTH our entire conference and the last two days of the conference – originally, ThrillerFest only consisted of those last two days, but we have now expanded to include additional days and components. Although it is a traditional conference in that the days are filled with author panels covering a variety of subjects, the nights are spent at cocktail parties and special events. ThrillerFest is unique in that many of the most successful authors attend and make themselves available to talk, sign autographs, and simply get to know fans.
Many readers attend the two-day event, as well as authors, agents, publishers, editors, the media, and other industry icons. One of the highlights of the conference is the one-on-one interviews with the famous authors who are our ThrillerMasters and Spotlight Guests. Coffee and soft-drink breaks are sponsored by a variety of publishers and organizations who use this opportunity to promote their books and authors. The official release of the ITW anthologies and other special publications are part of the conference.
Fans enjoy the countless opportunities to connect with their favorite authors at panels and interviews, in the book room, at the bar, at the many sponsored events, and during signings.
Q. How do I meet the debut authors or find authors who are new to me?
Not only do we host the Debut Author Class breakfast, but also a significant part of our programming on Friday and Saturday is dedicated to fifty-minute panels where authors discuss different thriller-related topics. Panels are moderated by authors’ peers and the spontaneous answers are often fun and interesting.
Whether the authors are new to the industry or new to you, the panels afford an opportunity for readers to meet your favorite writers. The generous manner in which ITW authors make themselves available allows for individual interaction with attendees. Panel topics and participating authors are listed on the schedule.
Q. How are the panelists chosen for ThrillerFest?
Authors who are ITW Members sign up for the event and check the box at registration indicating their interest in being on a panel. While the organizers cannot guarantee placement on a panel due to the overwhelming number of ITW authors interested in being on one, all ITW authors who register for the conference are submitted to the panel committee for potential placement, which does its best to accommodate all ITW authors. Early registration for the conference increases the chances of being placed on a panel.
Q. When is the schedule of authors and subjects posted, so I know where I should be?
As time draws near to our event, the schedule for ThrillerFest will be posted on the website. Subscribe to the ITW newsletter to be among the first to know when the schedule is available, or check back regularly for details.
Q. Who are the people running this event?
Samantha Skal, the Executive Director of ThrillerFest; Ruth Church, Deputy Director ThrillerFest/MasterClass; and Susan Lee, Deputy Director ThrillerFest/PitchFest, are all thrilled to handle the day-to-day challenges of making this event happen. They work closely with Kimberley Howe – Executive Director of ITW. Our entire team includes the following superstars:
Tracey Devlyn: QueryFest Assistant Director
Sara DiVello: Social Media Director
Tori Eldridge: Debut Author Coordinator
Todd Gerber: Awards Coordinator
Chris Graham: Technology Coordinator
Katie Griffiths: Social Media Coordinator
Dennis Kennett: Registrar
Shirley Kennett: Assistant Registrar
Jennifer Kreischer: Banquet Coordinator
Jim L’Etoile: QueryFest Director
Christianna Mason: Human Resources Director
Samuel Octavius: Operations Director
Terry Rodgers: Assistant Registrar
Kerry Savage: Volunteer Coordinator
All of these individuals work under the direction of the ITW board of directors, the talented authors who continue to find ways to make this event a wonderful experience for writers and readers alike.
There are more than a dozen volunteer committee chairs who handle everything from event planning to marketing to selling ads in the program books to getting the posters in the right place at the right time. Be sure to volunteer when you come to ThrillerFest, as it’s a great way to meet people. Authors should keep in mind that the goal of ITW is helping others advance their career, so it’s important to volunteer and assist others throughout the conference.
Q. Does the Awards Banquet have two cocktail parties, one before and one after?
On Saturday night before the banquet, attendees join the cocktail party held outside the banquet hall. After the awards banquet, the event shifts the venue to an after-party—and everything is included in the price of the banquet registration. It’s a tremendous evening of fun and excitement and an incredible opportunity to spend time with your favorite authors.
Tickets for the Thriller Awards Banquet must be purchased separately from other events and can be purchased through Registration on the ThrillerFest website.
Q. Is the Thriller Awards Banquet the last event of the conference?
The five-day event ends with the post-banquet cocktail party Saturday night where you can say your goodbyes until next year.
Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors
ITW Community
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Sandra Brannan
Clive Cussler*
Dirk Cussler*
Shane Gericke*
Faye and Jonathan Kellerman*
John Lescroart
Joanie McDonell
Karin Slaughter
Larry D. Thompson
Tucker Andersen
Andrew Kimball
Kathleen Antrim*
David Baldacci*
Neal Baer
Steve Berry*
J. Jackson Bentley
Gary Braver*
Sandra Brown*
Dale Brown*
John Case*
Lee Child*
James Comey
Michael Connelly
Glenn Cooper
Richard Curtis*
Jack F. Du Brul*
David Dun*
Joseph Finder
Brian Garfield*
Tess Gerritsen*
Leslie Glass*
Jeff Gunhus
Vicki Hinze*
Lisa Jackson
Alex Kava*
Raymond Khoury
Deborah LeBlanc
Eric Van Lustbader*
D. P. Lyle M.D.*
Gayle Lynds*
Steve Martini
Brad Meltzer
David Morrell*
Katherine Neville*
Michael Palmer (2004-2013)*
James Patterson*
Andrew Peterson
Douglas Preston*
Lissa Price
Keith Raffel
Christopher Reich*
James Rollins*
M.J. Rose*
JoAnn Ross
Hank Phillippi Ryan
John Saul*
Andy Siegel
Susan Arnout Smith
R.L. Stine*
Brad Thor*
Lisa Unger
Paul Vidich
Maria Carvainis
Leisure Books*
JK Franko*
Ed Mitchell*
Henry Morrison*
Adrian Muller*
Bill Sewell
Tor/Forge Books*
Your Book Is Your Hook!
Steve Alten*
Ashok Banker
Ted Bell*
Emily Benedek
Janet Berliner-Gluckman*
Gary Birken
Mike Bond
Sandra Brannan
Allison Brennan
Mike Brogan
Jan Burke*
Lorenzo Carcaterra
Lincoln Child*
Stephen Coonts*
Brian D’Amato
B. J. Daniels
Nelson DeMille
Eileen Dreyer*
Joanna Elm
Linda Fairstein*
Vince Flynn (2004-2013)*
Chris Fox
Joel Goldman*
Howard Gordon
Heather Graham*
Thomas Greanias
Gary Grossman
Humphrey Hawksley
Bonnie Hearn Hill*
Mark Imhof
Alan Jacobson
Judith Kelman*
Harley Jane Kozak
Jon Land
Dennis Lynds (2004-2005)*
Patricia McLinn
Michael McMenamin
Francine Mathews*
Nan McCann
Kyle Mills*
Twist Phelan
Christopher Rice*
Wendy Roberts
John Sandford
James Siegel*
Carl T. Smith*
Deborah Smith*
Taylor Smith*
L.A. Starks
Mariah Stewart*
Peter Straub*
Lee Strobel
M. Diane Vogt*
Thomas Waite
Stuart Woods*
Linda Adams*
Brilliance Audio*
Mike Brogan
Brian Godden
Steve Hadden*
Emory Hackman
Inkwell Management, LLC*
Jennifer Kreischer
Mario Mastro*
Vicki Montet
Amy Rivers
Mike Trigg
*original member joined by June 4, 2005